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Interning with The Stage

The Stage

My name is Dani. I am a senior Acting Major at Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. I had the pleasure of interning for The Stage last summer. I was part of an internship program that matches students in Boston with companies in the fields we are studying in Israel. I could not have been paired with a better company than The Stage. Many theater students work for theater companies and do not get any say in what they are doing or any real task to do. As an actor, I am not very good at sitting still. I love to be active and leap head first into the creative process. The Stage allowed me to do just that.

From Day 1, Asher and everyone else listened to me and what I wanted to gain from this experience working in Tel Aviv. Based on my strengths and interests, I was asked to help with the Marketing and Stage Managing for the One Acts Festival.

Working for the One Acts Festival was nothing short of utterly enjoyable. I had a blast helping to organize the actors, directors, sets, costumes, and audience. With 50+ people involved in the production- we had quite the challenge to keep everything organize. But, with all of the awesome people with The Stage, we kept everything together and running smoothly. It was truly some of the best work I have seen in any Community Theater across the globe.

One of my favorite aspects of working at The Stage was being able to teach my own classes. Teaching is one of my greatest passions, and all of the loving people at the Stage heard me and my desire to teach a class and allowed me to take charge and do my own thing. They helped me to plan a lesson and organize how I wanted the class to be held. They set me up with the space and advertised the class. It was an incredible experience and one that I will be grat

eful for the rest of my life.

I thank The Stage for all of their warmth and hospitality. Coming from across the world into a new country, new space, and new Theater Group, it was awesome to see how so many parts of putting up a play are Universal. I now have a theater family out in Tel Aviv- which will sure be helpful when I make Aliyah!!

By Dani Berkowitz

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